Sunday, January 24, 2010

Video Game Selection

When I had initially learned we had to play a video game as a part of the requirements for research writing, I must admit I wasn't exactly thrilled about the prospect. That isn't to imply that I have never played video games before or even that I dislike them in any way, rather, I found it difficult to think of a specific video game that had a continuing plot that would allow me to analyze over a long period of time. Research ensued, and I ultimately settled on the PC game "Fahrenheit" which came out in 2005. What interested me most about this game was its brooding, realistic story-line, which seems like it will be strong enough to capture my attention for the entirety of the semester.

Further, the game's rejection of a conventional genre, opting instead to consider itself an "interactive film," generated a great deal of feedback from the public and pundits alike, which will facilitate the aspect of the project that requires us to analyze external sources.

It is my intent to gain a greater understanding of how one can rhetorically analyze a video game, and perhaps provide greater insight into video games' merit in general.

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